Scripture: “It is more blessed to give than receive” (Acts 20:35 KJV).

Christmas 1972 came at a bleak time in our lives. My troubled marriage had finally come to an end, and I had fallen into the role of single mom with a bare-subsistence income. Michael and Crystal, my children, were old enough to know the truth about Santa, and neither expected much. We cut a branch from a Chinese tallow tree in our yard, potted it, and decorated it with a few ornaments. I wrapped their few presents and placed them beneath the wilting leaves. To their dismay, I had no money left for the kids to buy presents for others.
Christmas Eve came, and the two were in a conspiratorial huddle when I arrived home from work. Immediately after supper, they ordered me to my room. “Don’t open the door, Mama! No peeking!”
Obediently, I found a book and surrendered control of the kitchen. Mysterious noises soon came through the walls. The clatter of dishes and pans almost made me break my promise, but the sound of the kids’ laughter assured me all was well and I need not be alarmed.
Perhaps an hour later—or maybe two—their faces glowing with delight, they opened the door and let me emerge. Two more presents lay under the tree, wrapped in pieced-together Christmas paper. They could hardly wait until morning to reveal their surprises.
My gift from Michael was a batch of my favorite praline candy, made with pecans he had gathered and shelled himself. I had no idea he knew how to cook, but he actually used a recipe and candy thermometer. The result was the best ever!
Crystal cut little scraps of paper to write promises dear to any mother’s heart: “Good for washing dishes,” “Good for folding clothes,” “Good for cleaning a drawer,” and my all-time favorite, “Good for a hug.” I kept the small glass canister containing these treasures for years and often searched through them for a much-needed “hug.”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, as I prepare to celebrate Your birthday, may every present I wrap include plenty of love—the very best gift of all.

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