Scripture: “If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” Romans 8:31 NLT.

The greatest chapter in the entire Bible may be Romans 8, which begins with, “No condemnation” and ends with “Nothing can separate us from God’s love.” Saint Paul’s writings are completely selfless— never self-centered, always Christ-centered. How did this former persecutor of Christian believers attain such transformation that he could write these incredible words?

Over and over, I am amazed at Paul’s story.  A rigid, controlling Pharisee, filled with self-righteousness and disdain for common people, his mind, his passions, and his entire life turned upside down and inside out when God struck him blind on the way to Damascus.

Beatings, shipwrecks, imprisonment—nothing dimmed his message. He hoped to preach to crowds, but this wish seemed thwarted when he was taken to Rome in chains.  God must have had a greater purpose, for Paul wrote letters from prison that have survived the centuries and brought many millions to Christ.

He writes that he is not imposing in person. I rather picture him as short, balding, heavily bearded, with hooked nose and inflamed eyes. Even so, he stands head and shoulders among the tallest and most beautiful in the Christian faith.


The Bible does not tell us of the great evangelist’s death, although his last letter to Timothy brings tears as Paul writes that he knows his time is near. As a Roman citizen, he would have been protected from crucifixion, so historians believe he was beheaded on the orders of Nero following the great fire of Rome in A,D, 64—set, no doubt, by the emperor himself.


Saint Paul was faithful even until death, using every opportunity to tell of God’s love and forgiveness. He must have converted many of his jailers. I can even imagine him on his way to execution. He probably turned to the Roman soldier guarding him and again gave his testimony, “Let me tell you about Christ Jesus. One day, on the road to Damascus . . .”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me walk daily in the Spirit, even as Saint Paul taught, that I might be numbered among the children of God. In Your mighty name, amen.