Scripture: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13 NIV).

About a year ago, our local movie theater showed an animated portrayal of The Pilgrim’s Progress. I had read the book when younger, but the visual scenes—and possibly my own maturity—made it much more meaningful.

In my morning meditation, the Lord recently reminded me of this movie and of the burden Christian carried, which seemed to grow larger each day. Then one day, it came loose and rolled down—down—down, coming to rest inside the Empty Tomb of our Lord. I remembered how the imagery touched my heart.

I wondered, what was Christian doing when the burden was taken away? I too carry a large, heavy bundle of regrets and condemnation. I was able to purchase the movie on Prime and watched carefully for this particular scene.  He had been forgiven, for Evangelist told him, “The King forgives every misstep.” He had committed himself to the journey and already overcame several obstacles.

To my surprise, Christian was not doing anything special. He was not battling evil or overcoming temptation. He was on the Path of Patience, walking along an uninviting uphill ravine, continuing his search, keeping on keeping on, when the huge burden unleashed of its own accord and rolled away. He was free!

Is this the answer to the burdens we cannot seem to shake, even though we have surrendered ourselves to the Christian journey? Perhaps this is all God asks, that we persevere in our search for Him., day in and day out, one step after another, never losing sight of the Cross of our Savior.

Prayer: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for speaking to my heart. Even though this was just a book written years ago by one of Your followers, it coincides with Your Word and encouraged me. As I share this with others, may they also find Your comfort and be able to release their burdens. In Jesus’s precious name, amen.