Scripture: “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV).

One of my mother’s unforgettable stories was about a lady whose mind gave way when she considered the endless repetition of her life. One day this woman threw down her dishtowel and plopped down on her rocker, muttering over and over, “Cook, eat, and wash dishes. Cook, eat, and wash dishes.” None could persuade her otherwise, and she rocked away the rest of her days, repeating these words.

Of course, this humorous story is an exaggerated illustration of one of humanity’s greatest needs, to find purpose in life. Viktor Frankel, a Holocaust survivor and author of Man’s Search for Meaning, wrote, “Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.”

For years, trapped in an abusive marriage, I almost lost any reason to live, but my precious children gave me the “why.” For them I fought my circumstances, and for them I sought an escape. When free, I determined not to take one step in any other man’s direction unless it was good for my kids. Praise God, He honored my vow and brought me a wonderful new husband, Tommy Hillman, who made life a joy.

Now I have been widowed many years and still need a purpose for life. Christ Jesus has given me a reason to get up each morning, far beyond cooking, eating, and washing dishes. When I submit my day to Him, He directs me to write an inspirational story, reach out to a friend, or serve my church. Life’s routine chores no longer are my only focus, and life once again is a joy.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me find Your purpose for me today. Send me to someone who needs Your friendship. May everything I do, no matter how mundane, bring You glory.  In Your precious name, amen.